
Statement from FCA President & CEO, Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds
“Once again, lives have been lost and torn apart by senseless gun violence, this time at an elementary school in Texas. We mourn with the families of the 19 children and 2 adults who were killed, as well as all those impacted by this horrific act. We know that...

Statement from FCA President & CEO Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds on the Buffalo Shooting
“As families in New York mourn the horrific loss of life in Buffalo this weekend, we mourn alongside the people who loved them and the communities that have been rocked by the hateful nature of these shootings. Gun violence and hate-filled rhetoric – especially when...

A Statement on Ukraine
Family & Children's Association (FCA) stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and their families living both here in America and abroad. We condemn the actions driven by Russia's leadership during this troubling international crisis and we cheer the...

FCA’s COVID Update: March 2021
One year ago, I sent the entire FCA family an email detailing our plans for dealing with COVID. None of us knew the magnitude of what was to come or just how much our lives and our world would be turned upside down. The past year has been challenging on so many...

Rising to Meet the Needs of Caregivers During a Pandemic
Amid a worldwide pandemic and with the significant restrictions on medical, social and educational activities, FCA’s Caregiver Support Program continued to provide for and connect with caregivers as they cared for their loved ones. The anxiety and stress of the...

FCA’s Statement on COVID-19: Updated July 16, 2020
FCA has served Long Islanders since 1884 through some difficult and challenging times and we continue to do so today in ways that limit health risks to clients, staff, volunteers and vendors. We recognize that in times of crisis, community needs increase and we are...