Sherpa Certified Recovery Peer Advocates

We call it SHERPA. Healing begins with the first step.

The Sherpa team of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates is ready to guide those that need support, providing a full circle of care during the path to recovery.

Our Program

Sherpa is a team of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates who are trained to meet with individuals and families within hospitals and the community who are struggling with Substance Use Disorder.

We provide peer support and assist in connecting individuals and families to resources that can help them find their own pathway to recovery

Peers offer non-judgmental support. After all, they’ve been there. Peers are comfortable sharing their own personal experiences to help each individual and their family members.


FCA offers Sherpa services free of charge.  Sherpa provides:

  • Support and systems navigation
  • A strategy to begin rebuilding full, healthy lives
  • Connection to treatment, community resources, and harm reduction services
  • Individual and family peer support
  • Narcan training


Monday-Friday: 10:00am-8:00pm
Saturdays: 10:00am-6:00pm

Sherpa On-Call Phone (516) 592-7385


Bradley Baer, Sherpa Program Director
