FCA Receives $20,000 Grant from the Long Island Community Foundation to Support COVID-19 Response Efforts

Jun 5, 2020 | Press Release

MINEOLA, N.Y., (June 5, 2020) – FCA, one of Long Island’s largest not-for-profit organizations, has been awarded a $20,000 grant by the COVID-19 Long Island Philanthropic Response Fund at the Long Island Community Foundation to support the purchase of telehealth technology and the procurement of PPE, supplies, and meals for its clients during the COVID-19 global health crisis.

Recognized as an essential frontline direct service provider during the coronavirus pandemic, FCA has been chosen as a recipient for this grant due to the organization’s response to the human services needs of Long Island’s residents.  With these funds, FCA will continue to strengthen the capacity of their wide range of services and supports to address the impacts of the coronavirus on vulnerable populations within Nassau and Suffolk County.

As residents were asked to “shelter in place” and businesses were closing their doors, FCA remained steadfast on the front lines, with program staff stepping up to increase services to children, families, seniors, and communities in need. FCA’s ability to serve the ongoing public health needs within the organization’s five divisions has been bolstered by this grant, now enabling FCA to continue with its work at the level needed to help those facing social, emotional, and economic challenges as the COVID-19 crisis continues.

“From our residential programs for runaway and homeless youth to our mental health programs and addiction treatment services and beyond to our senior programs, we’ve seen how COVID-19 has laid bare all of the pre-existing health disparities that impact our region’s most vulnerable populations,”  said Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds, FCA President & CEO.  “Our staff, volunteers and funders stepped-up during this crisis and we are grateful for the support we received from the Long Island Community Foundation. They’ve been a longtime partner and we appreciate their help in covering some of the unanticipated expenses that threatened programs.”

“The COVID-19 Long Island Philanthropic Response Fund in the Long Island Community Foundation was launched to help front-line direct service providers strengthen their capacity to address the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak,” says David M. Okorn, Executive Director of the Foundation. “With the generous contributions from many donors, we’re happy to be able to provide immediate support to the Family & Children’s Association.”

About LICF and the COVID-19 Long Island Philanthropic Fund  
Since 1978, through the generosity of donors, the Long Island Community Foundation invests in nonprofit organizations that create positive change and improve the quality of life on Long Island. The Foundation has made more than $190 million in grants from hundreds of funds established by individuals, families, and businesses. LICF is a division of The New York Community Trust, one of the country’s oldest and largest community foundations. To learn more about the COVID-19 Long Island Philanthropic Response Fund and the Long Island Community Foundation, visit www.licf.org.

As the only pooled fund for Nassau and Suffolk, the fund has addressed emergent and critical health and human service needs of the most vulnerable communities. 100% of funding is directly granted to the agencies in need that serve Long Islanders. To date LICF has granted $965,500 to over 70 organizations in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Even when “New York State on Pause” ends, the needs on Long Island will not, therefore they continue to monitor the community needs as well as aggressively raise the funding needed to address those needs. Visit website for more information https://licf.org/giving/covid-19-long-island-fund/.

About FCA
FCA is a nonprofit agency helping more than 30,000 Long Islanders each year. For the last 135 years, the organization has worked to protect and strengthen vulnerable children, seniors, families and communities on Long Island.

FCA believes in the potential of Long Island – a place where no child, senior, family or community is left to struggle alone with barriers to health care, education, employment or economic prosperity. Long Island continues to be one of the greatest places in the world to live and raise a family for many; FCA exists to ensure that be the case for all.

For more information about FCA, please visit www.fcali.org.

Media Contact:  Lindsey Mastin
FCA, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
(516)746-0350 x1247

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