Hello my name is Michael Mccowie and I’m a recovering addict. My drug of choice was cocaine & crack, and now I am 109 days clean and sober as of today and I’ve never felt better.
I never realized or should I say remembered how amazing and rewarding life can be and is when you live a sober life. For the past 8 years until 109 days ago I was a junkie, a crackhead, a thief, a liar, a manipulator and a horrible person that would say and do horrible things to everyone who cared about me to the point where they stopped caring about me. All I cared about was the next fix, The next “high”, or the next lie in order to get money for the next fix. I had hurt everyone around me including my 6 yr old daughter who is my life. I had lost everything and everyone that was important to me. And I even almost lost my life when certain people got involved to plan out having me taken out by giving me crack cocaine that was actually pure Fentanyl and having it look like an overdose all because they were over me and over my lies. But luckily god knew it wasn’t my time and had bigger plans for me and I realized what was happening before I tried to get high from it. A lot of people hated me and despised me…including my wife, which I didn’t blame her due to who I had become and the fact I had absolutely no control of who I had become, nor the choices I was making.
I went into rehab for the first time ever on March 7th on my own free will….and that’s when my life turned around. That was the beginning of me getting my life back….That was the beginning of me breaking the chains…That was the beginning of my sobriety and getting on the road to recovery . As the days and weeks went by, I started becoming the new me and was letting go of the old me. I traded in my old life for my new life. And with the help of fellow addicts and their struggles, and the counselor’s, I started to come back to life and to have a life. And it didn’t end there. After rehab, going to FCA for outpatient treatment and being in groups with other fellow addicts and sharing our struggles with each other has given me so much persistence, so much hope and so much gratitude, and has made me realize the disease can be beaten and overcome.
My life now is amazing and is proof that you can overcome addiction, that it can be beaten, that there is no stopping you if you have patience, strength and support. I now am the chief engineer for a very big hotel & resort cooperation, I now have my family back, and I now have my home back, and i have trust back. My wife and I now are best friends again. She went from hating me to now being my biggest fan and supporter. Normalcy has taken place and continues to do so everyday. Although my journey has become great and very rewarding, I still have a long road ahead of me to maintain this great life and to maintain my sobriety, but with support from FCA and my family and my fellow recoveree’s……there’s no stopping me….I got this!
I hope that my story and my journey can be an inspiration and help others in anyway possible to see that there is hope, that there is happiness, that the program works and that recovery from addiction can be done !!!